Property Management Consulting Blog

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By Real-Time Consulting Services | Posted On 24-07-2024

In the world of property management, one question that we hear over and over again is, "how much profit do I need to generate per door to be successful?" However, we also hear the opposite sentiment: "does profit per door really matter?" In this article, we talk about the answers to these questions and how property management business owners can ...

By Real-Time Consulting Services | Posted On 14-06-2024
By Real-Time Consulting Services | Posted On 11-06-2024
By Real-Time Consulting Services | Posted On 07-06-2024

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Gavel and model house on a book

Multi-family housing comes with its own set of challenges for property managers, especially when it comes to staying on the right side of the law. ...

A man in a suit tapping on dollar signs

Multi-family property management can be a profitable investment opportunity when managed wisely. The secret to tapping into this potential? It's all ...

Photo of townhouses

If you're a property management business owner with multiple properties, then congratulations: you have your hands full! However, it's important to ...

Happy tenants in their home
3 Min. Read

Tenant retention is crucial for success in multi-family properties' competitive landscape. Retaining tenants ensures a stable income stream while ...

A drawing of bags of money showing an increase

When optimizing your property management business, the cost per door is a critical metric to understand. This number differs from your cost per lead ...

Maintenance tools around a wooden model house

In the fast-paced world of property management, keeping an eye on multi-family properties means planning strategically and staying on top of ...

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How to Become a Property Manager With These 10 Skills

By Real-Time Consulting Services | Posted On 14-06-2024

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What Does a Property Management Consultant Do? We're Here to Help

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How Many Properties Can One Employee Manage?

By Real-Time Consulting Services | Posted On 19-04-2024

5 Strategies for Growing Your Property Management Business

By Real-Time Consulting Services | Posted On 12-07-2024

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